Dreaming of living on the beach?
Are you just daydreaming of living on the beach, or do you do something about it?
Living on a beautiful beach is a dream for many people around the world. There are many dreamers who just keep fantasizing about their lives on the beach but never take any action to do anything about it. Then there are others who are committed and disciplined to make their dream a reality and sooner or later they make it happen.

So, if you want to achieve your dreams of living on the beach, here are a few action steps you need to make in order to start working towards your dream.
When would be the ideal time for you to move to the Outer Banks?
If your time to move here is now, then contact a mortgage lender and get pre-approved for a loan. Most REALTORS required a preapproval letter from a mortgage lender in order to start working with you. Then contact a REALTOR Madonna VanCurren and get the process starting.
If your ideal time to move to the Outer Banks is a few years from now then, vacation on the Outer Banks every year. While on vacation look at houses for sale on the Outer Banks.
Get an idea of the type of property you want to live in that matches your lifestyle, house, condo,apartments, townhomes, etc.
Size of the house and the size of the lot.
Figure out the cost of the houses for sale in each town because the prices vary from town to town as well as the waterfront locations.
When would be the ideal time for you to move to the Outer Banks. It’s important to note that if you have school age children, this is a good place. We have great public schools and some really amazing private schools. We have College of the Albemarle and Elizabeth City State University within an hour drive.
Once you know the approximate cost and the time, then figure out how much to save every month or year.
Read blogs like this about the Real Estate Market on the Outer Banks.
Sign up for your Preferred Real Estate Agent’s properties for sale email alerts and newsletters. It’s still better than Zillow because your REALTOR will get to know what you want and will still be looking out for you even if you’re not directly working with her or him. So when the time is right, she will be able to move on quicker with your dream home purchase. Even though it’s emails, it’s still a direct connection to a REALTOR vs Zillow’s AI.
One of the challenges of living on the Outer Banks is that the career choices are a little bit limited here. However, with the latest technology and so many opportunities to work from home, many people are moving to the Outer Banks and working remotely. Especially since COVID-19 pandemic hit us last year, we have more people moving here than any other record times.
Whether you’re ready to buy now, few months or few years from now, we encourage you to call Madonna VanCurren and get to know each other. Stay in touch and get email alerts from the website for your preferred home. Let’s make your dream come true! Every day take one small step and you’ll be here living the dream by the ocean in no time.